Safety Shoes Supplier

Fireman Safety Shoes

Bulwark Safety Shoes

Tiger Safety Shoes

Zain Safety Shoes

We offers high tensile strength fire safety shoes that are suitable for all major work stations in industries. We source them directly from some of the top brands which are of superior quality, ensuring your feet the comfort and safety that it deserves. We supply in major cities of Gujarat & Maharashtra.

Safety shoes are shoes made of rubber or leather with a Steel toe insert. The boots are slipped inside the legs of the trousers to maintain a barrier from the heat given off by the fire. They are generally used by firefighters and often in industries where workman experience constant heat or risk of live electrical.

Our safety shoes are made for all major work stations and protects you from the hazards like falling objects or heavy heat loads and also helps in working with sensitive pieces of equipment that are bound to have electrical risks or extreme degree of heat.

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While we serve all over India, recently we have seen a rapid increase of demand of our products in the following cities:

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